
الجمعية اللبنانية لفلسفة القانون

Association libanaise de philosophie du droit

Lebanese Association for Philosophy Law

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Lebanese Association of Philosophy of Law

Right and society

In the Republic of Platon the problems essential were posed which founded the philosophy of the right, namely the relation between the capacity and the right. Let us announce simply here that at times of Plato and Aristote the concept of justice was based on the rationality of the human nature, i.e. on designs relating to the man and nature; while the things will change with the Middle Ages where the divine force assisted to interpret or justify the human reason. With the eyes of Grotius the human reason creates legal standards in a spontaneous way and it is what explains its position opposed to fanaticism calvinien.

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العلم و الخبر للجمعية اللبنانية لفلسفة القانون

This association was established in 2006

The Association for the Philosophy of Law, established in 2006, explores the philosophical aspects of law and justice through interdisciplinary dialogue and scholarly inquiry.

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3Fr May 20

بمناسبة عيد العمال

On the occasion of Labor Day Workers of the world unite. Workers of Lebanon, unite to fight the monsters of capitalism, financial thugs and the looters of the Lebanese (and Arab) people. One sect goes and another comes back, sectarian conflicts break out and then it calms down.. Foreign countries intervene and differentiate between Lebanese and financially support one community without the other.. Then wars, weapons and martyrs by the hundreds.. And after all this, the Lebanese returns home where the psychological pressure, fatigue and illnesses resulting from a catastrophic economic situation Lebanon has never seen anything like it even at the height of the war. The real war is the war of hunger, poverty, and exploitation of hardworking people. The real war is against a corrupt ruling authority that sucks the blood of the people and reproduces itself through intimidation and intimidation. Every sect that exploits its workers and distracts people fights a lying sect. Karl Marx is not dead History does not go back. People's awareness increased day by day.. Especially thanks to technology, science and openness to the world. Don't underestimate the social media sites, tik tok and X platform. People were so ignorant of all they could hear. Brainwashing, especially religious, is no longer effective by these new technologies. The revolution is coming.... A Change Is Coming . It is no longer acceptable for a human to exploit his fellow human. It is no longer acceptable to exploit people in the name of religion and intoxicate them with the promises of paradise that no one has seen. The future is change on earth here not in the hereafter. The future of secular societies and religion to its area that it has: a relationship that does not exceed the threshold of the house because it is confined between man and who considers him as his creator. And let every man believe in whom he wills. Abroad is the state of law and everyone is under the unified secular civil law. This is the future and it's coming no way. Let's hurry up and press in Lebanon a unified law for personal conditions and make comprehensive secular rules and not just according to the abolition of political sectarianism (this is basically a heavy and stupid joke in Lebanon). The future is for the working class, for the hard workers, for social thinking in the form of keeping up with the times and respects individual initiative and personal effort.

The future of Palestine occupied by iron and fire is in the hands of a global Zionist with Jewish, American, European and Arab. The future of Palestine is secular and leave the religious fundamentalism of the Israeli, Afghan and others constitution. The peak of the suppression of fundamental religious constitutions is to ruin. The peak of oppression and exploitation of those who derive their power from the narratives of religious and Torah books (God's chosen people, etc.) ). Religious fundamentalism, wherever it is, to a nearby suicide. Gaza and its martyrs in the thousands revealed the secret. Revenge of children of Gaza is coming Demonstrations in American universities and around the world are our pride. We are ashamed of the cheers of Arab students who renew knowledge from those who consider them "atheists" and demand the Islamic Caliphate and pray in public spaces in rows that separate males and females. This is Zionist behavior with excellence because it is against the children of Gaza and a traitor to Arab and Islamic history.. Religious fundamentalism makes a militant, not a revolution. Our Arabic Islamic history is full of achievements, science, philosophy and culture. Ibn Rashid, Ibn Sina, Al-Khwarzami, Abu Alaa Al-Maari, Abu Al-Nawas, Omar Al-Khayyam, and thousands of others.

Let your feast be, O worker, O Lebanese hard worker, O Arab hard worker, a moment to think and revisit the following things:

- Reading again and not believing everything you've been told, especially in religious books.

- The necessity of promoting class awareness: Your main enemy is those who starve you and those who throw you in front of hospital doors.

- Let it be your role model and compass: science, science and then science.

-Heaven on earth not in heaven.

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    • Execllent!!

    The wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire so like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy my whole heart. I am alone, and feel.

    Shabiha Stevens Customer

    • Execllent!!

    The wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire so like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy my whole heart. I am alone, and feel.

    Mahan Alex CFO, Apple

    • Execllent!!

    The wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire so like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy my whole heart. I am alone, and feel.

    Jebecca Stevens Marketing

    • Execllent!!

    The wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire so like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy my whole heart. I am alone, and feel.

    Koral Dawson Co-Founder

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    Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor and pleasure to