About Us

The Lebanese Association of philosophy of law(Right and society)

 In the Republic of Platon the problems essential were posed which founded the philosophy of the right, namely the relation between the capacity and the right.  

Let us announce simply here that at times of Plato and Aristote the concept of justice was based on the rationality of the human nature, i.e. on designs relating to the man and nature; while the things will change with the Middle Ages where the divine force assisted to interpret or justify the human reason. With the eyes of Grotius the human reason creates legal standards in a spontaneous way and it is what explains its position opposed to fanaticism calvinien. 

  Rousseau, in the social contract, the individuals yield all their natural rights since freedom is in the tender with a law created by the human reason (general will) which makes of the man a citizen. 

 All the large philosophers and lawyers, in occident as in the East, had their opinions on the right and philosophy: Kant and hegel, Marx and Engels, Ibn Khaldoun, Averroës and Al-Chirazi.. laic as monk.

With through these some introductory words we quite simply wanted "to give the tone", to express our attachment with the mother of sciences which is philosophy.

 Who are we?

The Lebanese Association of philosophy of the right (Right and company) was made up on March 7 2005 pennies the number of deposit of file 3428/4-2005.

We are a group of people whom the research right philosophy worries. Why the philosophy of the right? Since philosophy it is the life, science, the right and the mother of us all. And since the right is the regulator of the life of people and a single tool, in spite of its hardness for certain categories of people (stripped), to return justice. 

Any decision returned by the judicial power is necessarily preceded by a philosophical work, consciously or unconsciously. But it seems that modernity neglected the philosophy of the right; however, extremely fortunately, of many lawyers and philosophers had a sufficient start to return to philosophy right its paramount role, that it is in the disciplines of the higher education or scientific research and legal work (legislation, jurisprudence, doctrines).

Although our axis of activities is the philosophy of the right, we intend to attach a great importance to the role of the sociology of the right, legal anthropology and legal psychology.  

Is this with saying that our association will be satisfied to hold academic research and doctrinal debates? By no means. We hope to launch out in activities "of ground" and with people.

 Here our concerns:    

1- To show the real relation existing between the right and the individuals, and to draw up scientific legal research which clarifies this relation. 

2- To draw up research, seminars and conferences on various subjects relating to the philosophy of the right, the "right and company" (the access to justice for example) and in particular to the humans right. 

3- To reinforce the relationships to the various Arab institutions, as well as the activities of common research. 

4 To reinforce the relationship to the Western intellectual institutions, in particular with those of the European Union which tries to establish a real privileged relation between partnership and the countries of the Mediterranean.

5- uvrer so that the philosophy of the right takes its place among the matters exempted in licence of right in Lebanese faculties of right. 

6- To cooperate in any capable activity to reinforce the cultural, intellectual and social level of people, in particular when these activities touch the concepts of democracy, secularity and the humans right. 

7- To cooperate for the writing of works of philosophy of the right, in particular to highlight what Arab philosophy in this field gave, as well as the translation and publication of works having milked to the philosophy of the right.

8- To work in close cooperation with prestigious Association to which we belong (IVR), like with all its sections.


☻ مؤتمر حول "فلسفة القانون: إي آفاق؟"، عُقِدَ في الجامعة اليسوعية في بيروت، بالنعاون مع جامعة الفديس يوسف، كرسي جان موني التي يرأسها الأستاذ شبلي ملاط. في 15 تشرين الأول 2005. شارك في المؤتمر الأساتذة ميشيل تروبير، شبلي ملاط، جان لويس سوريو، بجارن ملكفيك، شارل كوتيل. جورج سعد، بتول يحفوفي، محمد طي، إيفلين كستلر.

☻  تعريب مؤلف الأستاذ ميشيل تروبير، "ما هي الفلسفة"، دار PUF، Que sais-je، صدر بالعربية عن دار ا\لأنوار، بيروت، 2004.

ومؤلف الأستاذ بجارن ملكفيك، "نصوص في فلسفة القنون"، وهو مجموعة مختارة من كتابين: Réflexions sur la philosophie du droit et Horizons de la philosophie du droit، عن دار ديكي، جامعة لافال ولارماتان، Ed. de l’Université Laval et L’Harmattan، 2002. صدر بالعربية عن الجمعية اللبنانية لفلسفة القانون ودار النجوى، بيروت، 2005.

☻ جمعيتنا هي عضو في  الجمعية الدولية لفلسفة القانون والفلسفة الإجتماعية  (IVR)    Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie .


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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat 

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat 

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